Monday, March 8, 2010

Behavior is not Inherited

You did not inherit your personality from your parents simply because personality is not an inheritable trait. As a matter of fact the only inheritable personality trait is sin (oh boy I went there). Yes your personality can be an exact replica of your parents, but this is due to their level of nurturing. If you are a selfish irresponsible person with little self-efficacy comparable to your parent, then I’m sorry to say your parent nurtured you that way; not your fault; yet curable (Good news!). Of course there are other variables to factor in when explaining behavior like the nurtured environment (childhood neighborhood, peers, and role models). But this post is centered on the idea behavior is not inherited, so I’ll save that for another time.

Here is food for thought, did you know family legacy alone can nurture an adolescent to early adulthood based exclusively on pride and without parenting? However the family legacy’s flaws are too learned and incorporated. Just like the example above, if you are a fun loving, affectionate, reliable person comparable to your parent, then I’m pleased to announce your parent nurtured you that way and they did their job.

Parents remember this: the next time you disregard tough love, that conscious derelict of duty may land your child in jail regardless of how good you are. And contrary to popular belief good behavior is not inherited; it is learned. So, if your children know how many pairs of underwear are needed to numb the pain, then you are doing your job as a parent.

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